Sponsor A Show
Harvard Broadcasting Inc. Program Sponsor
Sponsoring a program is easy to do and helps support the station and the community since all our live programs are created by individuals within the community.
As a program sponsor, your organization is connected with a specific show. This is what you can expect:
One time/2 or 3 spots per hour of a show
(2 for a 1 hour show, 3 for a 2 hour show - mandatory beginning and end)
Program Sponsor
$50.00 per show airing
This option is for anyone who would like to sponsor 1 airing of 1 show.
Weather Sponsor
$250.00 per month
This option is for sponsorship of weather on the station several times a day.
To sponsor a program monthly, you can expect:
One spot per hour of a show
A mention in show promotions (live reads or recorded spots)
Your company name on the Harvard Broadcasting Inc. website with the show
(NOTE: Announcements run approximately 30 seconds in length and are created by the staff at Harvard Broadcasting Inc. at no extra charge.)
Program Sponsor Monthly
Prepay 3 months
Prepay 6 months
Prepay 12 months
$220.00 per show
$420.00 per show
$650.00 per show
$1400.00 per show
Event Sponsorships
Sponsor A Special Event
Every year, WHIW takes part in numerous events around the area. Other times, we have special programs which air for a specific time or date. Below are listed several opportunities for which you can sponsor a one time special program or event. These special events are available on a first come, first serve basis when these opportunities are limited, or we can arrange with any sponsor to bring a special program to our listening community, as long as it falls within our required guidelines.
Please contact us if any of these special events interest you.
THANK YOU for helping to make Harvard Broadcasting Inc.'s programming the best it can be!