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WHIW Volunteer Opportunities

As volunteers of WHIW, we are asked to provide a minimum of 2 hours per month to volunteering on behalf of the station.  The following is a list of events that we could really use help at.  If there are names behind the date, it is filled.  If not, please contact us if you would like to volunteer for any of the events coming up.  You'll have fun, get to meet great people and help WHIW grow and become a viable part of the local community.


CONTACT:  Volunteer Coordinator




Open House during 4th Fridays!

     6:00 pm until 9:00 pm

     We need at least 2 volunteers to man the studio.  You'll be answering questions, greeting people, helping provide information on the station.  Recruit a new volunteer or two and maybe some new members!  November and December, 4th Fridays is on hiatus, but when it starts up again in January, we'll be right there!










September - no event


November - no event

December - no event


Family Movie Nights!

     7:00 pm until 9:30 pm

     We need at least 2 volunteers to man the welcome table at Jefferson School.  You'll be selling goodies and helping people settle in to watch family movies!  Meet some of the communities' families and get to know our listening audience on a little bit more personal scale!












Teachers/Trainers for our training sessions

     Open Dates

     We need people who know a thing or two about radio; the programs we use, the technology we use, producing, research, anything related to radio that can help our volunteers, as well as the community, grow!  Knowledge is the greatest asset of all of our volunteers and to be able to share what they have learned with others is something that we couldn't put a value on.  So, if you can offer a little time - usually 2 hours - to help teach, contact our General Manager and schedule a time to share your knowledge with us!  If you aren't sure what we need, just ask!


Data Entry

     Uploading Music and Categorizing!

     Cleaning up our computers and organizing!

     We could use help entering new music onto the computers responsible for running our programs when our live hosts are not on air.  That means you have to listen to music, rename it so that our system can use it, schedule play time, and a whole slew of other odds and ends.  Every job here at the station is as important as every other.  All help is greatly appreciated.



     Help Us Raise Money to Pay Our Bills

     Events Planning/Grant Writing

     We need numerous volunteers to help raise money to keep our doors open.  Everything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.  Contact the station to find out how you can help on the Finance Committee or put together an event.  Your community will be grateful as will we!



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